What is coaching?

What is Coaching ?


Before answering this extremely important question, I'll cut to the chase and tell you what coaching is ABSOLUTELY NOT:


  • Wishful thinking  - I am not a subcontractor with that Disney character to wave a magic wand over your head and go *TINK* to make your troubles go away at any speed.  Finding answers within yourself to resolve perplexing things require awareness, effort and asking the right questions. Reality will not change for anyone, it just IS.
  • Surrogate parenting, or an other relationship out of context - This meeting is for a professional relationship only  to help you get to the root of your incoherence; any other needs can be referenced by an advanced psychological professional, nothing more needs to be stated.
  • Blaming/pointing fingers  - Have you considered the other three fingers pointing back at you? Awareness, self management, personal responsibility and accountability are required to get to the heart of your concern
  • An Interrogation Session - WWII is long past, there will be no metaphorical light bulb hovering close overhead, or your face profusely sweating  while hearing  a barrage of questions asked in an aggressive or judgemental way; that's just mean and not my style.   If you find yourself anxious or nervous before our first meeting, it's okay and normal to feel that way.  Breathe deeply and tell yourself to, ' relax it's only a conversation.'
  • Expecting answers or direct advice  - Every human being is able to think well and figure things out, and have a immense treasure trove of answers, insights and can access things that have been forgotten. Every choice you make directly affects you and the those who depend upon you.  Deep inside, 'You got this!'



This is what coaching is


We sit together and have a normal conversation and you are deciding to trust me a little bit in sharing what concerns you.  I listen and hear your from your frame of reference, and in turn I ask appropriate and clarifying questions so that you can come up with your own answers. 


I will give you space to pull up your information and feelings that come directly from you, out of your own lips. 


Basically I'm a person who becomes a sounding board to reflect your thoughts and feelings back in a safe space so that you can resume a peaceful track with reality, depending on the complexity of your situation AND to the best of my ability. It could take

one session or multiple session, it depends upon the changes  you make, It's all about YOU!


If you agree with what I've stated above and want to move forward, book your appointment now!